Friday, 16 September 2011

The Implications Of Good Teachers -v- Bad Teachers

If bad teaching is a grouse of yours, whether regarding your children or grand children or just generally and you re looking for evidence of the damage bad teachers can cause, then do please go to the link below. It reports the research of London School of Economics and Stanford  into good or bad teaching. Its results are chilling in their scale. The research was conducted for the Sutton Trust founded by Sir Peter Lampl an inspirational sponsor for educational causes

The impact of a bad teacher is equivalent to knocking half the pupils marks off their annual exam results.Conversely a good teacher could add 25-45% to the performance of the same pupils in maths exams.

Astonishingly, replace a bad teacher with a very effective one and that equates to providing an extra year's learning for the pupil.

I would want to pay tribute to and congratulate the thousands of great teachers in any school anywhere. But to the bad ones I would say, "Please be honest with yourself. If for no other reason, you'll  know you are not good because your heart is not in it anymore. Then have the courage to look for a different direction in life and free up your place for someone who can add dramatic value to the pupils lives".

Sir Peter says: "The single most important way to improve the UK's international performance is to improve the quality of its 400,000 or so teachers." I suspect this is relevant to a number of countries!

The link:

Gerry Neale

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