So Step 1 Is Keep To The Order Of The List!
Step 2: Virtualising The Achievement.
Decide exactly what it is you want to achieve. A vague notion, a fuzzy dream, a wish – none of these are enough. It needs to be the clearest picture in your mind of what you want to accomplish. It needs to be pictured as though it is already achieved. Also, it needs to be seen in your mind and felt in your heart as your own great mission. If it would involve, when completed, your heightened awareness of touch, sound and smell too, then include them in your total visualisation. And most significant, there needs to be no thought or concern at this stage for “How It Is To Be Done”.
Step 3: Review Exactly Where You Are Now - Without The Achievement.
See and feel all the downside elements that at the moment dog you, but which would be gone when you had the success you seek. Then focus completely on that gap between that position you occupy now and what it would be like with your mission completed. Really measure this gap in your mind. But most significantly, DO NOT shrink from it and do not try to make it smaller! This is your “Inspiration Gap”! The reason why it is so important is coming in Step 5!
Step 4 Knowing This Is What You Want.
Here is one question which requires an unequivocal answer of “Yes”. To prepare for it, first restore your vivid picture of your goal to the forefront of your mind. Now your question is this - with that total visualisation described filling your mind and heart, do you feel you really, really want this outcome? However large or small, does it begin to fill you with passion and motivation to achieve it? Even if you do not know how to achieve it yet, does it inspire you to take action? If you can answer Yes1 Yes! And Yes! Then go on to Step 5. If not, go back and review Step 1 and question yourself on what is failing to give you that energy and drive. Then, address it and insert it in your picture. Step 5: Setting Yourself Up for A Fall.
This is the potential stumbling block for many people. It is as though suddenly a flawed sense of reality dawns forcing you to ask yourself ‘how am I possibly going to achieve this? How can I somehow narrow this “Inspiration Gap” between the ‘me’ now and ‘me’ with it achieved?’It must be resisted! Why is this so? Cognitive research shows that with achievement we are drawn to our picture of our goal. In other words we are being pulled by it and we are not pushing to get away from where we are. So it is for this very reason that your picture of your targeted achievement needs to be strong and painted first vividly in your mind. It is why it needs to engender that unquenchable desire and motivation to drive you on. Can you see that without that, you are far more inclined to compromise and find ways tp reduce the gap?
Step 6: Live With The Image Of The Achievement.
Have it emblazoned on your mind and then reinforce it by repetition, by review, by mixing with people who have done it already. Do not share it with someone who you know will denigrate it, or who is bound to see it as unachievable for them. Yet do share it with people who will help and encourage you.Step 7: Set in motion the behavioural mechanics of planned achievement.
Difficult though it may be to accept, the more you enhance and intensify your picture of your plan day by day, three things happen. First it energises you. Second you become ever more consciously aware of opportunities presenting themselves to help you on your journey. So take them! Third, your sub-conscious creativity has been activated big-time! It has been fed the message that you are no longer comfortable where you are. You now want to be drawn towards where you have planned to be. So it goes to work for you! And the more you live with and feed the image of the achievement achieved, the more your creativity will grow to close the gap.Step 8. Self-Belief & Self –Worth.
Constantly reinforce your belief that you deserve the outcome and that you can achieve it. And what about negative thoughts? Don’t listen to them or give them air-time! Neutralise them by vocalising your passion and inspiration to accomplish what you have set out to do! Is that easy? No. Is it possible? Definitely!Step 9: Fix an end date for the complete achievement.
It sets a time line within which your creativity will produce the result. Big goals can need years! When I was sixteen, I wanted to be a Member of Parliament. I became one – twenty three years later! Step 10: Start now
And Good Luck! You will need some, but just watch how you will seem to create your own!
Gerry Neale Gerry is the author of "Squaring Circles", an intriguing novel which is as much of a voyage of self-discovery for the reader as it is for the hero of the book. Details of it can be found on It is published in paperback ISBN 9780956868824
He writes on psychology and behavioural issues. Articles can be found on and as an expert author on Ezine Articles on Achievement and on psychology.