For those fascinated by developments in our awareness and understanding of human emotional intelligence, what about this! On Linkedin, as with many social networking sites, new groups are and can be formed. Yet surely none can be like the recent launch of the Emotional Intelligence Network which blasts through many misconceptions. From its launch only months ago, some 20,000 LinkedIn members have joined it and more flood in. So which misconceptions are hit?
One is: ‘Emotional Intelligence is not globally relevant and applicable!’ That has been rubbished by worldwide comments and support from members.
‘Interest in it will be job specific.’ Now, self-evidently that is a nonsense, for seemingly every walk of life has joined and expressed interest.
‘Isn’t it relevant only to specific races and creeds?’ That appears to be shot to pieces!
‘Isn’t an issue or interest in this limited to the Developed World?’ No, that seems untrue too from the most cursory check of location of members joining.
The reality is the human emotional apparatus as a phenomenon appears common to all across the world. What is also true is that some ignore it and others, like those LinkedIn members, cherish and nurture its presence within us.
Late twentieth century research into Intelligence first by Howard Gardner and his team at Harvard, particularly on Multiple Intelligences, opened eyes and minds to the full human condition. Then in the1990’s, acknowledging Gardners work, Daniel Goleman published his ground-breaking and best-selling book called Emotional Intelligence. This unleashed an unquenchable thirst for more and more information and tutoring. It has since become an essential primer for anyone interested in this subject and for many satellite cognitive initiatives which have been spawned or strengthened.
But it is not just our growth in understanding that is significant. What Linkedin participation graphically has illustrated is something very special. It is the willingness – and even the joy, of people across the World to share the belief that we can enhance the way we all interact with each other in relationships as partners, as parents & grand parents, as friends, as employers and employees, and as suppliers and customers.
The greatest prize will be to banish the most ill-founded mis-conception of all: ‘that our emotions have no place in our judgements and decisions!’ All aspects of our Intelligence need harnessing. It is clearly a multi-faceted asset we have and includes not just the Intellect, nor just the Emotions, and nor even just the human spirit, but much else.
And who knows what its joint exploration by like-minded and like-hearted people across the world could achieve! The more its study and practice becomes incorporated into the Curriculum of Life the more likely it is that it will benefit us all. Maybe one day we will even be able to detect and treat people successfully before they commit atrocities like that witnessed in Norway.
The extraordinary worldwide response to this group augurs well for us all.
By Gerry Neale
Author of Squaring Circles
Published & available from Pearl Press
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