Wednesday, 21 April 2010

BBC Research Shows Computer Games Do not Advance Our Thinking!

It always fascinates me how much of this research is restricted to the ability to think better logically. Rarely does it cover the impact on our self-esteem or sense of self-efficacy. I have not the slightest doubt that while learning new complex computer games does not aid our our overall thinking ability, it has a dramatic effect on the way we think and feel about oursleves.

Doubts we we could have nursed about our ability to master  computing skills could be banished and could leave us much more willing to try new tasks with the belief we can master them too.

Another feature of computer games rarely referred to is the need for sustained concentration. One of my grandsons has had reports of limited concentration at school. Yet put him in front of a computer game and he demonstrates powers of concentration second to none!

We can learn to live happier and more effective lives based on how we think about ourselves


Tuesday, 20 April 2010

New eBook On Goal-setting to be published by Gerry Neale

An eBook is due out within the next four weeks, providing a Seven Day Tutorial on Goal-setting and making things happen. It will be hosted by Psychology Simplified and be available via ClickBank. 

Helpful Articles

Most weeks, new articles are written by Gerry Neale. These are mostly on Cognitive Thinking issues and are submitted to the principal article directories. If you would like these emailed to you, there is an Ezine Articles box which when completed will cause the articles submitted to them to be sent to you automatically. You may also find interesting additional material on a sister blog, which seeks to simplify Psychology for easy application in every day life.

If you want to learn more about the art prints, more information is available by clicking on them.

Author Ranking on Ezine Articles

Gerry Neale is now ranked in the top 40 article authors on Psychology on Ezine Articles. Currently he is ranked in the top 50 on Achievement and in the top 60 on Goal-setting. He has focussed mainly on Cognitive Thinking issues but has writtten articles on starting an on-line business, on success, on painting mixed media ink pointillism and watercolour picures. Some of his art prints are featured on this blog and by clicking on them you can obtain more detail on how they are created, if you wish to discover.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Psychology Simplified About The Sub-conscious Mind And Making Our Future by Gerry Neale

All manner of accounts have been written over time about the nature of our sub-conscious mind. Distil any five articles or descriptions into one and there is no doubting the result comprises an extraordinary picture of this feature of human beings. Among the almost unbelievable complexities thrown up by research are some simpler truths available to us. They shine out like gold nuggets in the dim light. And they point to equally simple actions we can take for our own benefit.

Let’s try to contemplate the future for a moment, and our own future within it.

Do we instinctively view it with dread or with excitement? If we are normal, we would almost inevitably say, some of both. If one was pressed more and asked what proportion of both, what would be our response?

My first guess is that most people would have to think about the question for more than a moment or two. My second guess is that in so doing, anyone looking to answer the question would become clearer on how our picture of The Future and of our own future within it can affect our confidence, our aspirations and our happiness.

If The Future looks terrifying to us, seems to be devoid of any certainty, chaotic and full of dread, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to tell us just how defensive and reclusive that thinker could become.

Equally, suppose the view of The Future was the opposite, wouldn’t our suspicions be aroused by such a thinker? I have in mind someone who sees life ahead as amazing, fantastic, a wonderful and exciting dream, an absolutely perfect place to be and certainly way, way better than where we are now or have ever been before! Again we’ve no need for the rocket scientist to be able to see that such a thinker has little likelihood of realistic and practical roots in their present or the past.

Yet in both cases the sub-conscious has been asked and has responded with a picture. So what does that mean for us? Where is our sub-conscious mind trying to position us as we contemplate our own future?

With a little too high a dose of doom and gloom, won’t we shrink back and become mildly defensive and even a little reclusive ourselves?

If we then try to compensate for this stance, sub-consciously or consciously, don’t we need to start constructing control systems to reduce the chaos we perceive ahead? Won’t doing this perhaps fool ourselves into believing that we are managing our lives well. Won’t this authorise our subconscious to contrive and invent on-going control systems which will rule out and all but smother chance encounters and opportunities?

On the other hand, what happens if consciously we increase the dose of Optimism? Immediately we trigger within us more positive perceptions of the future.

Let’s agree with ourselves that we have done pretty well to get to this point in Life. Let’s further agree that here in our own present moment, we can claim justifiably to have learned a lot from our past which equips us for our future. There is much to be positive about!

Now! Can the World around tap into this private, more positive, upbeat but practicable approach forming in our mind? Personally I believe it can and does. But what does undoubtedly tap in this new view of ourselves and our future is our sub-conscious mind! Feed ourselves with more upbeat messages, assessments and aspirations and our sub-conscious goes into overdrive to find even more.

The simple truth is our sub conscious does not have, and is not, a mind of its own. Its resource base is the sum total of all that we have fed it since birth. But feed it with a different diet of information, and yes, the nature of its resource changes.
And Yes! Yes! Yes! Its extraordinary creative powers are fired into action, causing us to behave to our new view of the future.

“Learned Optimism” is a skill! Read the book of that title!

Good luck but remember we can also create our luck!